We left Friday night to avoid a 4am wake-up call on Saturday and headed to Moses Lake. This was the site of my very first triathlon in 2006. Back then I signed up for the sprint and really had no idea what to expect. This year would be the first time I have done the Olympic and probably a little bit more prepared. In 2006, I swam about 450 yards in just over 16 minutes. It was brutally slow. I sidestroked the all but about 50 yards and even laid on my back and flutter kicked. Welcome to the sport of triathlon :)
This time the swim went great even though I got punched in the eye at the beginning and had to try to empty my goggles. I was able to keep my cadence high and felt strong throughout the entire swim. My sighting was much better and I was able to swim in relatively straight line.
Coming out of the water. It is me, Nate right behind me and Trevor in the background.
Throughout the swim I saw the familiar face of Trevor Blackwell and felt a oh so familiar grabbing of my feet from Nate (see CDA Olympic 08 Race Report). This time the results were much better for Nate as he didn't deserve a quick kick manoeuvre.
Swim: 18:03
I entered transition feeling good and felt ready to go. I had a great T1 and even tried the flying mount with my shoes on my bike. This was my first attempt and just like we always say "never try something in a race that you haven't done in training". Well it worked great and I was on the bike heading down the road.
Coming in off the bike...FINALLY :)
About 10 minutes in I knew something was off. My hips were burning and I just didn't feel that strong. Since I don't really have anything but heart rate and perceived effort to go by, I just kept pedaling. Shortly after the turn around my heart rate began to drop. Eventually reaching my heart rate I hope to keep for Ironman. Definitely not good during an Olympic race. I finally reached T2 and couldn't get there soon enough.
A few highlights of the ride was the nice shower provided by a huge agricultural irrigation sprinkler, the rain that fell and getting off of the bike:)
Bike: 1:02:04
T2 went great, mainly because I was the first bike in the transition area and was off on to the run. Even though the bike was weak, the run felt great. I was hoping to chase down a few of the people who passed me on the bike but they were all good runners.
Finishing the Run!
I felt solid throughout even though I fought a side ache the entire run. The run was long at 6.55 miles so I wasn't able to get a true 10K split but if I average it out it would have been in the 41:12 which would be a new PR. I averaged 6:39/miles so I am slowing working my way to the sub 40 goal.
Run: 43:32
Overall this was a great race and I had a great time. It was awesome to see all the Tri-Fusion athletes out there rocking the race. It is difficult to use the race to see if I had improvements because the swim and bike were shorter than normal and the run was longer. I can take the fact that even though I struggled on the bike I still felt pretty good on the run. It was another pretty good day and another race under my belt.
Total Time: 2:04:38
I am heading down to Blue Lake to do the sprint triathlon on Saturday and cheer everyone on during the Olympic on Sunday. We are now officially under two weeks until Ironman.
Fun to travel down to do that race together. You are so damn fast! I'm excited that each race has many highlights for you and well-deserved accomplishments to reward you for your consistent, hard work.
You are A+ in everyway!
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