Training has been crazy. Many hours in the pool, on the bike and out running on the roads. Lately the pool has been my nemesis. I had really hit a wall in my training and had been stuck in without any improvement for at least a month.
I can't lie, it was getting very frustrating. Everyone was seemed to be getting faster and I was completely stagnate. I felt like a fish out of water, but in the water. Early this week, I may have had my worst swim in months. I was completely exhausted before the swim, felt like complete crap during the swim but fought the best I could and then was completely spent. I left the gym that day needing something to change. I had worked pretty damn hard to get where I am and was mental at the end of the rope.
Then came Friday's swim. Even though a few of the faster swimmers were feeling a bit under the weather, I was able to keep up. My times were much faster and I felt strong. I wasn't sure if it was just "my day" or if I had actually finally reached the end of this plateau and was one my way back up.
The true test was going to be this Sunday. Once again I was feeling strong and was able to keep up a solid effort for the longer sets. I really do hope that I have started the next stage in my swim fitness.
Bike Update
Saturday marked my longest ride-to-date, I think. I am pretty sure i haven't ridden over the 56 miles of the 4 half-ironmans that I have done. This Saturday I rode for just over 3 hours and topped the 60 mile mark. I know for some that is nothing big, but for me I think it is pretty huge. I am pretty sure this record will not last much longer than 2 or 3 weeks because I will probably have a 3:30 hour ride soon enough.
It has been freaking awesome to get off the trainer and get outside. Finally to have some actually wind in your face, and not from the oscillating fan. I think I am at a good point in my training right now, but I know there is SO much more that I have to do.
Run Update
My feet have been feeling much better and I have thrown a cushion shoe into the mix which I really think is helping soften the pounding I have been taking. I just recently put the second shoe into the rotation and have really been pleased with the way things have been going. I didn't my first outdoor ride/brick run on Saturday and except for the completely frozen feet it went really well.
I really wanted to try and run this morning because of a long day I had to put in working at the Home Show but after a late night and no one to run with I decided to postpone it until this evening. I decided to just go out and run. I didn't want to run crazy hard but I just wanted to run. If I didn't need to get in a certain about a time I would have probably left the watch at home with the heart rate monitor.
I started out feeling pretty good and ran a nice 2.1 mile loop from my house. I decided to run the loop a total of for times and each loop got about a minute faster. I could tell I as moving faster but until the last loop my effort felt consistent. I ended up running 8:13's on the first loop, 7:44's on the second, 7:18's on the third and 7:01's on the forth. I was a bit short on my time but I really think this was a successful run both physically and more important mentally.
I am running my first half-marathon (outside a triathlon) this weekend and I am excited to see how it goes. I really haven't set any goals but I am looking to put a solid effort together and follow it up by a nice 2 hour bike ride. Ohh the joys of training for Ironman.
First of all, I love the new look of your blog!
Second of all, woo hoo! I'm so happy you're feeling good in all of your training and that you are feeling better about your swimming. You are a serious rock star! Just a little over 3 months until the big day. I don't know about you, but I CAN'T WAIT! :)
You're rockin' it and you'll be having big pay offs for all of your hard work. It's been fun to share in some of the adventures with you. p.s. just posted a bunch of pics on the gallery that could work with this post! :)
when did you remodel your blog?! It looks nice, classy I guess. Keep up the good work, it has been fun to join in some recent workouts. Keep us posted on how the training for ironman goes.
Great work Steve! Glad to hear things are on the up. Keep working as hard as you are, the break throughs will keep coming! Rock on!
Heck with the pics...let's get an update please. You have got to have some comment aftr today's ride?
Looks like things are going well. Keep up the hard work!
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