
Bloomsday 2009- Race Report

Some of the crew. Post Race!

Recently Bloomsday has become more of a test race then a fun run. Over the past few years I have used this race to test my fitness and see how my running is at this point in the year. At the end of last years race report, I set a goal of sub 48:00. I knew this was possible but also knew that it was going to take a lot of hard work.

Fast forward to this week and with Ironman training in full swing, I had my longest ride and run to date. I was able to relax a bit with a swim on Friday morning and a rest day on Saturday. So for the most part, I went into Sunday with relatively fresh legs and was going to do what I could to break 48 minutes.

I would have to average of 6:26's throughout the race. I knew some miles would be fast while other slow (Doomsday Hill) but as long as I reached each mile marker before the running time I would make it.

Me heading to the finish. (I would like to think the picture is blurry because I am so fast but I think Natalie didn't recognize me in such short shorts:)

Listening to what it was like to run up front with the big boys. Way to go Hosh!

I was able to cross the finish line in 47:08 and qualified for Second Seed in 2010. It was great to set a goal over a year ago and then actually be able to follow through and accomplish that goal. But now that I am there, the hard part is to stay there. I might be going out on a limb here but I have already set a goal for next year: Sub 45:00. It is not going to be easy but then again what is:)


Spokane Al said...

Wow - you rock! Congratulations.

Tiffany said...

Way to go, Keve! I'm absolutely thrilled for you that you achieved your goal and qualified for second seed. Freaking awesome!!!

jessithompson said...

This is no small accomplishment to go sub 48 - very impressive and exciting! You are a STUD! A+ all the way...

Matt said...

You rocked it Keith! Saw you early on you were moving!!keep it up!

Josh said...

Way to go Steve. Way to set a goal and go after it! Bloomsday is not a flat course and this is a fast time! I think sub 45 is a great goal for next year. You will get a better start up in second seed, and have an even better race.

Kelli Rydeen and Family said...

Very cool.