18 People on bikes in the Thompson's basement. CRAZY!!!

Over the past month or so I have been joining a bunch of my Tri-Fusion teammates in the Thompson's basement for BAT's aka- Bikes and Trainers. When you enjoy riding outside so much the last thing you want to do is sit on a trainer, in a basement with a bunch of stinky people. But we make the most out of our winter workouts and I actually look forward to these workouts. Not so much for the pain of sitting on my bike for a couple hours but the great people and the awesome food that follows.
Getting ready to listen to some music and start the workout.

Monday nights consist of about a 1.5 hour ride and delicious homemade soup, while Saturday mornings are 2 hour rides followed up with an huge buffet style breakfast. I can definitely say the food might just help a little when trying to get to the end of each workout. This week we throw a wrench in the mix and will be riding at 5:30 am. I am pretty sure I will be half if not all the way asleep as I get on the bike but that is why these are group workouts and we all help each other make it through.
Enjoying some soup after another tough workout.

As these shorter workouts become distant memories and my rides times start to average my nightly sleep in college I will look back on these days and know that all the hard work has paid off.
I would like to send a special thanks to the Thompson's for opening their house to all of us night in and morning out, allowing us to get in our winter workouts. I have a feeling there will be a lot of people that will owe a good portion of their season results to Jessi and Roger. I know I will. Thanks again.
Word! These workouts are totally awesome and I agree that we are going to owe the Thompsons big time! I have to admit, I'm almost dreading the time we head back outside, because this is the only way I can keep up with all of you!
Thanks for all of your motivation during these rides! Like you said, it's nice to suffer through it with other people!
It's partly selfish motives, my friend! It definitely keeps us motivated to have a crew show up at our house. Kinda forces you to get your ars on your bike! It is nice to all 'suffer' together and the group of us make almost anything fun.
Glad you're coming and you were one hell of a soup nazi last night. Nice work!
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