
Make that a Double...

The weekend plans were figured out as I was sitting around with the rest of my coworkers enjoying our last day at the old office. A conversation started to see who would be interested in a long run the following morning. Obviously I was game to try and run a new route, as the nice lake by my house is starting to get that…summer smell.

Mile Markers
The decision was made and we were going to run a Double Dipsea. I had never heard of the Dipsea Trail but I was game...even though I was told there were 700 steps to contest with...I was ready to run/walk/crawl...whatever it took.

Over 3000' of climbing...
The run started at a local elementary school in Mill Valley and from the beginning we started climbing…and climbing…and climbing. Here are a few pictures of the steps within 2 minutes of the run, I was sure were getting those 700 steps out of the way early.

Looking Up
Looking Down

After navigating our way up the steps and through a couple neighborhoods, we finally made our way to the “trail” part of the Dipsea Trail. And just like the previous millions stairs we climbed, there were more. We would go down a ton of steps...and roots...and then more steps...and more roots only to head right back up some a few minutes later. This was by far the toughest run I have ever done. I wish I could say that I didn’t walk but I would be just play lying. I was walking up steps left and right...well kind of more straight forward but you get the point.

Amazing View (Pacific Ocean in the distance)

But just like every trail run I have been on around here, there are moments when the views make all the pain and suffering TOTALLY worth it. After winding our way through a couple valleys, down some super steep steps and along some very cool paths, we were greeted with a view of the Pacific Ocean. Absolutely amazing.

Stinson Beach in the distance...we ran to that too
See :)
Now since the Dipsea Trail is a point-to-point trail and we were doing the “Double” Dipsea, we had to head back. I definitely think heading back was easier, if you call running that trail easy, and seem to go by quite a bit faster. I am guessing it is because I was able to mentally prepare myself for the torture I was putting my legs through.

A cool bridge we ran across!
Steps Down...and Up I guess since we ran them both ways :)

The trail is just under 7.5 miles long for a total of 15 miles of up and down stairs, roots and dirt trails and WAY more than 700 stairs especially if you count the thousands of roots along the way. Still it was a very cool run and just the beginning of a long weekend of training.

The Landscape Architect in me LOVES the simplicity of this sign...Very Cool!


Matt said...

very cool run, aint nuttin like that around here, very sweet!

Tiffany said...

Gorgeous! Pretty sure I would've chosen to walk it, though! ;)

Anonymous said...

I do the enewsletter for Trifreaks. They host the Grand Columbian Triathlon. There are so few photos of Grand Coulee, I was wonder if I can use a photo or two from your race review from 2009. Please let me know. Thanks!