

This week has been HORRIBLE. After my long run on Sunday, the small cough I had been battling was in full attack mode; let’s call it Operation Hack a Lung. My body was still feeling pretty good but I just couldn’t shake this damn cough. As Monday rolled around, swimming was the last thing on my mind and I figured it would help me recover to take the day off...It’s just one day right, no worries. When you are in the thick of Ironman training, you really don’t want to skip to many (if any) workouts. But I don't get sick so I wasn't too worried.

As I struggled through work on Tuesday, I had a sneaking inclination that I wasn’t going to be getting my workout in today either. That’s ok though, it is only two workouts and with Wednesday only having a swim, I thought I was in the clear...since I don't get sick.

Say G'BYE to Wednesday, with another evening spent on the couch and now three days in a row without doing anything. I think the last time I did that was the week after Ironman...This is NOT good but since I don't get sick I should have been fine.

I think I spent the entire day Thursday, telling myself that I wasn't getting sick because by the time I got home after work, I was going on a ride no matter what. Though mentally, I was able to trick myself into thinking this was a good idea, shortly into the ride, physically, it was a completely different story. I struggled to keep up, my legs had all but disappeared and I was coughing up a lung every two minutes. I wish I could say I enjoyed the ride but the only thing that was nice, was actually getting outside. The rest was well, pretty bad. It was all I could do to get home and back in bed...

This brings us to Friday and the day I thought I was seeing the light...

Here is a short medical history of me being sick…I DON’T GET SICK!!! Seriously, I cannot remember a time when I had anything more that a small cough and some congestion that lasted anything more than about 2 days. That is it. Nothing more.

I woke up Friday morning, feeling pretty good. The cough was still there but my spirits were high and I thought just maybe my ride yesterday was good for me. Getting some fresh air felt awesome.

Until I started heading back to work from a site survey in Pullman. It was at this point, I knew something was wrong. It started in my shins of all places. I felt like I had shin splints and they were getting worse by the minute …all the way back to Spokane. By the time I got to work, my whole body began to ache and it was all I could do to get in my truck and drive home...I contemplated just laying in my truck until I started to feel better or took my last breathe...whatever happened first.

As I got home, things only got worse. I had the chills, a splitting headache and was finding it difficult to breathe. I think the tell-tale sign that something was wrong when Tiffany asked if she could go to the store and get me some medicine and I said yes. I am pretty sure she was shocked too, because it took a couple of seconds for it to register and she even ask, if I was sure :)

After a long conversation with Jessi, on how this could be the end and how it was great getting to know each other, it was time to head to the doctor. Which by the way is the LAST place you can find me. Seriously, if I am lost, look everywhere else first and then try the hospitals.

So it turns out I wasn’t dying but had a case of bronchitis.

WTF!!! I got sick:( To many of you this might not be much, but you are talking to a guy who NEVER gets sick. The aching body, chills and all that other crap…I just don’t feel like that EVER. So now I am on an anti-biotic and have removed all my weekend workouts from the schedule. Now I know this will put me a bit behind in my training for Ironman but I know I will come back with a much better appreciation of being healthy and will look back at the small bump in the road to Ironman.

Here’s to some happy healthy training...

Until next time...


Rory Buck said...

Sorry to hear it Steve. I hope you have a speedy recovery and can get back into the training soon.

Tiffany said...

Glad we didn't have to put you in an urn that said, "This is I." Hang in there, Keven.

jessithompson said...

I'm sorry, but dying Keve is friggin' hilarious. COL!!! (Cough out loud)