
All Wrapped Up!

So in years past after a race like Boise, I would have been completely content on taking some time off and just relaxing. Well that is just not the case in 2008. After a brief day off on Monday I was back to work for the BLT. I by no means went hard but I did get out on the bike even with the rain coming down. I started off riding with Greg and finished it up pedaling in through the downpour with Katey. This was a pretty cold ride but it felt good to just get the legs going again.

Thursday I once again jumped on the bike and rode the BLT loop with Tim. This marked the 4th consecutive workout when it has rained. I am not sure what side of Washington I live on anymore. We finished off the workout with a 4 mile run. It was at this point I realized that my achilles was still a bit sore from Boise and had to take a few moments to stretch it out. Once it was all warmed up I was able to run and finished with about 3.5 miles.

Friday was a great day. A few of us Tri-Fusion members decided it would be a good idea to head out to Medical Lake and get in an open water swim to help us prepare for next weekend and the Blue Lake Triathlon. After some brief discussion on whether it would be a good idea to swim in this cold weather we were off. I met up with Tiffany and we headed out. It was at this point Tiffany looked at me and pretty much said “Seriously” and I of course said “Yes”.

That is me trying to find the mysterious second aerator we were suppose to swim to.

Not sure why I can't seem to float like everyone else.
At first time thought this was a picture of him and he was extremely proud about the headwave. Well after further investigation, it is me. A picture that cool could only be ME! :
I think there ended up being 10 swimmers and Ali who paddled along in a kayak for a little safety. The swim went pretty good. I felt pretty strong throughout the swim. I really tried to focus on sighting and felt it went a little bit better than Boise. This is definitely a work in progress but the only way to practice is to get out in the water and do it.
After the swim Tim, his EWU buddies and I headed out for a quick loop around Silver Lake. It was about 10 miles but it felt like 20. It was at this point I could tell I was pretty worn out from the week of workouts and I still had the Mule Chase coming up tomorrow.


Tiffany said...

Way to get back out there and start up the training again. I think that's hard to do after you have completed your "big race" of the season. Good thing you got back out there, though, since you've decided to tackle Lake Stevens! :)

I am also proud of your head wave! You look like a pro.

See you Saturday. It's going to be so awesome when we win our age groups and secure our slots in the Ironfan Van! ;)

jessithompson said...

Those pics are awesome. How often do you actually get pics in the middle of an open water swim?