
New Toys and a Weekday Ride...

The week started off with Jessi giving me a call asking if she should pick me up the same Fuji Waterproof camera that she found for a screaming deal about a month ago. Since my last digital camera was purchased in 2005...there was NO WAY I was going to pass this up! So now there is really no excuse for not having pictures to post on my blog. You can take this thing ANYWHERE, the pool, on rides, even raining runs...it is perfect for a triathletes active and usually unpredictable lifestyle.

So I headed out on my first ride with my new camera and was in store for quite the ride....like stop you dead in my tracks...kind of ride. Serioulsy the wind was that freakin' strong. My body is excited to say that I was able to stay upright and after battling through some of the nastiest conditions of the season, the weather finally broke and the sun came out.

If you look to the left of the picture you will see the nasty rain clouds I had just ridden through and if you look to the right you can see that tiny bit of blue sky...that is where I am headed.

I had to meet a few friends up on the south hill and decided to take a detour over to the Centennial Trail. If you have been following along, yes this is the same trail as the fishnet shirt incident but in a completely different part of town. With the weather was less than ideal, I had the entire road to myself and maybe saw 3 or 4 people the whole ride.

This is a view from the trail near Nine Mile Falls Dam. An absolutely perfect day for a ride.

My planned route had me heading into some familiar territory that I have missed greatly since making the move up north, the old BLT loop (Bike Loop Tuesday). This was where I got my first introduction into group rides with Tri-Fusion, flying along in a pace line and frequently getting dropped off the back. I really enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with getting off the main roads and just riding.

And if you have ever ridden the BLT Loop than you are well aware of Death Hill #1!!! Though I found it not near as 'deathy' as I had in the past. Apparently all this training has done something.

Even though the ride started out crappy with rain and hail and the thought of turning around had snuck into my head, I am glad I decided to stick it out and enjoyed an awesome ride with some great scenery...even if fishnet shirts left at home :(


jessithompson said...

Glad you like the camera!!! :) Great pics!

Tiffany said...

Awesome pics, Keven! Makes me miss that loop too! Way to power out that ride!