

FINALLY, I woke up and my ankle was feeling quite a bit better. There really was no irritation while I was walking. SWEET. I still didn’t want to go to crazy but I was nice to feel normalish again. After working all day putting in the patio on the landscape job I was working on I headed home and decided I would head out for a slow run just to see if I was feeling as good as I thought I did. I really didn’t know how far I was going to go or even if I would be able to run at all. After about 15 minutes I was beginning to feel some irritation and walked for a bit but in the end I was able to run just over two miles and as I am writing this it feels much better.

It was really weird to run even though I have been running all winter long. I just was so sure something bad was going to happen. I was fortunate to get though the run and still feel good. It is amazing how such a simple thing you take for granted every single day can be taken away and you just don’t know how to react. With everything that goes on in other people’s lives I have quickly realized that my life and the small things that happen to me are just that SMALL.


Tiffany said...

I couldn't agree more! You have a really great attitude about everything. It's one of the things I really admire about you. I'm glad you're taking it easy with your ankle. It seems to be healing pretty quickly which is awesome! Great to see you at the pool today! I hope your ride was good and pain free!

Matt said...

good to hear your ankle is on the up!

jessithompson said...

I'm glad to hear you're experiencing some improvement in your ankle. Fun to see you in the pool this morning. You da man!

LORIE said...

Nice post. I would also like to point out that taking a moment to enjoy the "small things" is also food for the soul. Good attitude Steve! Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better and that you listened to your body and took it easy!

Tim Swanson said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. And yes, as the rest of "the team" has said, you've definitely got the right attitude about it all. Be careful...can't wait for you to kick my butt again soon.