Today’s plan was to get some speed work in. I have been neglecting this part of my training and after today I really wish I would have continued. After not being able to meet up with anyone due to scheduling I headed for the Mead track to do my workout. After a nice 10 minute warm-up, I started some ply metrics. It had been a while since I had done these but I really wanted to work on quick feet. After a few minutes and some stretching I began my speed work.
The plan was to do alternating 400’s. I would sprint a lap and then jog a lap. My first 400 sprint was a bit faster but the final three 400’s were all within a second or two of each other, which I was pretty happy about. Somewhere in the last 400 I noticed a bit of irritation in my left achilles tendon. I still wanted to do some alternating 200’s but after starting the first 200 I knew something was wrong. If I have learned anything over the last couple of years, is that your body will let you know when you need to stop. I quickly stopped my workout hoping to catch the problem before it got worse. After a quick stretch I decided to call it a day. This is not good but I hope that I caught it before it was too late and I can heal quickly. Definitely frustrating after all the running I have been doing and so far I have been able to stay relatively healthy.
Still needing to get a workout in I decided I would head for the pool. You really don’t need you achilles tendon to swim. I didn’t arrive to the pool until a few minutes after 9:00 and was glad to see only a couple people in the pool and the lap lane was completely clear. I started my workout by swimming ten 50 meters sets on the minute. I was glad to see the stroke change from Sunday was really working. I usually finish in about 45 seconds per 50 meters slowing dropping to about 50 seconds. Today all ten of the laps were between 40 to 43 seconds. Doesn’t seem like a huge drop but over a long race the time can really add up. After my set I decided to it was time check my overall pool endurance.
With the new lingering pain in my achilles I decided to use the pool buoy and swim until my arms were going to fall off. The new stroke was using different muscles and I wanted to put them through the ringer (and release a bit of frustration of earlier). When it was all said and done I was able to swim for about 30 minutes without stopping. I was really excited about this because now I know that when it comes to the swim at Boise, I can make it. My arms really never felt like they were going to fail. I did swim the final 250 without the buoy and notice a bit of a slow down but it was nice to leave the pool and end the day on a positive.
After arriving home I began to ice my injury and hopefully it feels better tomorrow. I am supposed to go for a nice ride and then run 6 miles with Tim. Let’s hope it all works out.
Sorry to hear about your achilles... how's it feeling today? Too bad our schedules didn't coincide for track workouts yesterday. We didn't get up there until 6:30pm. Did you have to battle the little kiddos again? You're tough and hope this is just a blip in the screen. Hang tough!
I'm crossing my fingers so hard for you that you're not injured and you were able to ride and run today!!!
Nice job getting yourself to the pool once you realized you wouldn't be able to finish your run. That's tough. Nice job listening to your body too - that's even tougher! Hope you're feeling better!
I'm sorry to hear about your achilles! You were SO smart to stop running and ice it! I hope your workout today goes smoothly and that it's totally pain free! Nice job on your swim workout! :)
I hope your achilles heals FAST. NSAID's and ice!! I have had great luck with trumeel, as has Kirk for achilles, its a topical anti inflam..
Bummer Steve. Be patient. Listen to your body. I am sure you know all of that. I hope it is feeling better.
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