
Tri-Fusion Meeting

Well this morning I was suppose to get up early and head to the gym for my swim. New plan, do not schedule very early mornings swims! I was so good over the winter getting to the gym in the morning and now it is all I can do to get out of bed for work. I think I just need to let myself wake up and if it happens to be early then I will go and get my swim in before work. Sorry Sheena.
After work today we had the month Tri-Fusion meeting. It is really great to see everyone but there is definitely not enough time to say hi to everyone. You would think that you could make your rounds but this is just not the case. After briefly talking to a few before the meeting and enjoying a great meal provided by Twigs the meeting was over and it was off to the pool for the swim I missed, right. WRONG. I guess today is going to be my day off. It had been over a week so it was nice to let the body heal.

I would like to thank all the Tri-Fusion board members and everyone else who helps get the meetings together. They work extremely hard and they do it because they love the club. Without their help this club would not exist. Thanks again and I can't say it enough but I really love being part of such a special group. GO TRI-FUSION!!!


LORIE said...

I missed the meeting this month, but I would also like to say you're soooooo right about all the work that goes into making TriFusion what it is.

Tiffany said...

I couldn't agree more about how awesome everyone in the club is, especially those who help make each meeting such a success! Fun to see you for a couple of seconds before the meeting started!

jessithompson said...

Thanks for your part too, Steve. It's people who show up with smiles and good spirits that make the workouts so much fun. Also, thanks for your help with those bios.

The meetings are a lot of work to put together, but I am always so glad to see everyone and I always feel like it was worth it afterwards. Thanks for being a part - I agree - it's definitely something special! GO TRI FUSION!

Trish said...

Great to see you at the meeting! Man, time flies at those things! I only got to talk to about half of the people I wanted to chat with. Super fun meeting though and I second that "thanks to those who put it on." Tri Fusion truly is an amazing club to be a part of :)